
On this page, you will find a list of assignments that will be completed throughout the course. For more specific information, you can scroll through each unit and select the Assessment tab to link you to more specific information. Additional information can be found on your course syllabus. Here are the assignments you are required to complete for this course. (Check exact due dates with your Facilitator.)

Learning Lab Discussion Forum’s

Although each unit will have a Learning Lab, it is important that student’s understand that their will be a participation mark attached to this component of the course. While student’s will participate in group discussion, you will also be expected to participate in an online discussion forum. Please connect with your instructor for more details.

These “Discussion Forum” links can be found in each unit by scrolling to the bottom of the page..

Note: Participation in Learning Lab’s will account for 25% of your overall grade.

Individual Assignment Paper

You are responsible for completing two Individual Assignment Papers. Specific information and instructions can be found on the Assessment pages for the unit’s below. The papers will be submitted following the end of each of the following units:

  • Individual Assignment #1: Unit 2
  • Individual Assignment #2: Unit 6

Note: Each paper will be worth 10% of your overall grade (Total=20%).

Gibbs Analysis Reflection Paper

Each student will also be expected to submit a reflection paper that is based on performing a Gibbs Analysis. More information can be found by selecting the Assessment tab on the following units:

  • Gibbs Analysis Reflection #1: Unit 4
  • Gibbs Analysis Reflection #2: Unit 9

Note: Each writing assignment is worth 15% of your final grade (Total=30%)

Final Assignment

Following Unit 9, you will be given time to focus on your Final Assignment paper (Click on the “Final Assignment” tab at the top of the screen). This final paper will require you to submit a Life Engagement Statement. As there is no “Unit 10” for this course, please be aware that a significant amount of time has been structured into this course for you to focus on this assignment - it is valued accordingly!

Note: This Term Paper is worth 25% of your final grade.

Final Assignment: Life Engagement Statement - Click to expand

Through this course we have analyzed the function of values and ethics as they relate to leadership in the context of leading others. In this final assignment, you are asked to employ the principles we studied in this course, and apply them to a case-study. For the purposes of this assignment, however, the case-study is your own life! By applying the concepts discussed throughout the course, you will reflect on the impact these ideas have had, and will have, in your capacity as a leader.

Life Engagement Statement

Your task, for this final assignment, is to:

  • Assess your personal values, purpose, and vision to construct a personal decision-making framework for practicing ethical and moral leadership.
  • As you develop your framework, you should consider the influences and implications of the societal and organizational culture within which you lead, or expect to lead.
  • Integrate insights from Values-Based Leadership (Kraemer, 2011) and Asset-Based Thinking (Cramer & Wasiak, 2006).

A minimum requirement of this paper is to identify specific behavior and refer to relevant theories form your course work to explain why proper Ethical Decision is appropriate or inappropriate in the situation analyzed by your case study. Both strengths and weaknesses should be identified, in the context of servant-leadership, transformational leadership, and ethical leadership..

The reference section should list a minimum of ten references cited using APA formatting.

Grading Rubric

Please review the rubric below as it will be used to assess your final submission:

Criteria Attempted Minimal Satisfactory Excellent
Description Component Very limited detail, difficult to understand description of the experience [learning resource(s) and or relevant personal or professional encounters] Limited detail, unclear description of the experience [learning resource(s) and or relevant personal or professional encounters] Adequate detail, moderately clear description of the experience [learning resource(s) and or relevant personal or professional encounters] Clear, sufficiently detailed and easily understood description of the experience [learning resource(s) and or relevant personal or professional encounters]
Reflection Component Reflection is limited descriptions with little or no personal reflection of the situation. Reflections contain a limited personal reflection of the situation(s). Reflections contain an attempt to engage in personal reflection of the event, and there is usually a moderate effort to discuss personal perceptions, assumptions, response/reaction, behaviour, thoughts and/or feelings. Reflections consistently contain a strong effort to engage in personal reflection of the event with a focus on the student’s own perceptions, assumptions, involvement, response/reaction, behaviour and/or thinking, and considerations of underlying reasons.
Application Component Reflections contain little or no evidence of application of themes, ideas, or content from the course. Reflections contain a minimal attempt at applying themes, ideas, or content from the course. There is a moderate effort to apply learning from the course content in considering future implications. Reflection consistently contains a strong effort to apply learning in considering what implications this has for the future (e.g., plans for personal knowledge acquisition, behaviour intention or change, personal improvement, etc.).
Context Component Reflection demonstrates little or no understanding of how learning fits into the overall course, and/or wider context of leadership. Reflection demonstrates a limited understanding of how learning fits into the overall course, and/or wider context of leadership. Reflection demonstrates a moderate understanding of how learning fits into the overall course, and/or wider context of leadership. Reflection consistently demonstrates a strong understanding of how learning fits into the overall course, and/or wider context of leadership.
Overall Organization and Flow Poorly organized, difficulty integrating and communicating ideas. Minimal organization, minimal ability to integrate and communicate ideas. Adequate organization and logical flow, moderate clarity in communication of ideas. Consistently well-organized, logical, clear communication of ideas.
Mechanics Poor grammar, punctuation, spelling and neatness. Consistent evidence of grammatical or other writing errors. Small number of minor grammatical or other writing errors. Consistently uses correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
Citations APA citation of 0-6 resources. Documentation is inaccurate. APA citation of 7-8 resources that are documented accurately. Documentation has a few inaccuracies. APA citation of 9 -10 resources that are documented accurately. APA citation of more then 10 resources that are documented accurately.

Note: This final assignment is worth 25% of your final grade.

To submit your paper, please scroll to the bottom of the screen and select the Final Assignment dropbox.