The following are key references used in this course. Check with your course syllabus for required readings.
Atha, D.L., Castellon, A.R., Strong, H., & Wu, T. (2017). MA Leadership and MA in Educational Leadership Monograph 2018. Unpublished Manuscript Trinity Western University, Langley BC, (70), 22–32.
Athabasca University. (n.d.) Community of Inquiry Model. Retrieved from:
Arntz, V. 2018. Flannery O’Connor & Redemption Amidst the Grotesque. Available at
Bell, T., Urhahne, D., Schanze, S., & Ploetzner, R. (2009). Collaborative inquiry learning: models, tools, and challenges. International Journal of Science Education. (32)3, 349-377.
Brookfield, S. and Preskill, S. (2016). The Discussion Book: 50 Great Ways to Get People Talking. San Francisco: Jossey Bass. Various; as needed
Brookfield, S. (2013). Powerful Techniques for Teaching Adults. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Brower, A., Carlson-Dakes, C.G., Barger, S.S. (2007). A learning community model of graduate student professional teaching excellence. Wisconsin Center for the Advancement of Postsecondary Education. Retrieved from:
Brower, A. & Dettinger, K. (1998). What is a learning community?: Toward a comprehensive model. About Campus: Enriching the Student Experience. 3(5), 15-21.
Brown, B. (2017). Braving the wilderness: The quest for true belonging and the courage to stand alone. New York: Penguin Random House.
Burwell, R. & Huyser, M. (2013). Practicing hospitality in the classroom. International Journal of Christianity and Education. 17(1), 9-24
Cahalan, K. (2016). Integrative knowing and practica wisdom in Reflective practice: Formation and supervision in ministry.
Castellon, A. (2017). Indigenous Integration: 100+ Lesson Ideas for Secondary and College Teachers. Vic: Tellwell.
Donohoo, J. & Velasco, M. (2016). The Transformative Power of Collaborative Inquiry. Corwin (SAGE): Thousand Oaks, CA.
Escobar, B. Sense of Belonging
Gardner, W.L., Avolio, B.J., Luthans, F., May, D.R., & Walumbwa, F. (2005). “Can you see the real me?” A self-based model of authentic leader and follower development. The Leadership Quarterly, (16), pp. 343-372.
Greenleaf, R. 1998. The power of servant-leadership. San Francisco, CA: Berrett-Koehler.
Hewlett, S. (2014). Executive Presence. New York: HarperCollins.
Ibarra, H. (2015). Act Like a Leader, Think like a Leader. Boston, MA. Harvard Business Review Press.
Lipmanowicz, H. & McCandless, K. (2013). The surprising power of liberating structures: Simple rules to unleash a culture of innovation. Liberating Structures Press.
Lytkina Botelho, E. Rosenkoetter Powell, K, Kincaid, S. and Wang D. (May-June 2017). What Sets Successful CEOs Apart. Harvard Business Review.
Madland, C. (2017). The Trinity Community of Inquiry. Creative Commons License.
Palmer, P. (2017). The courage to teach: Exploring the inner landscape of a teacher’s life. San Francisco: Wiley.
Parris, D.L. & Welty Peachey, J. (20130. A Systematic Literature Review of Servant Leadership Theory in Organizational Contexts. J. of Bus. Ethics 113: 377-393.
Rachels, J. (1986). The Elements of Moral Philosophy, pp. 114-17,122-23. NY: Random House, Inc.
Rilke, R.M. Ah, Not to be Cut Off
Schuyler, K. (2014). Leading with Spirit, Presence, & Authenticity. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Silberman, M. L., & Biech, E. (2015). Active training: A handbook of techniques, designs, case examples, and tips (4th ed.). Wiley. Various; as needed.
Taylor Swift: A Place in this World
Wheatley, M. (2017). Who Do We Choose to Be? : Facing Reality, Claiming Leadership, Restoring Sanity. Oakland, CA: Berrett-Koehler Publishers.
Whitney, D., Trosten-Bloom, Amanda. The Power of Appreciative Inquiry: A Practical Guide to Positive Change, 2nd Edition. Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 03/2010.