5  Innovation Capital: Perceptions and Impressions


Recognizing reputation capital’s crucial role in innovation, leaders must strategically embrace groundbreaking initiatives, showcasing capabilities and positioning businesses as dynamic forces. In this unit, you will learn about leveraging personal impression amplifiers—broadcasting, signaling, and storytelling— to enhance communication to promote recognition for success. Additionally, Unit 5 will how highlight how mastering readiness assessments empowers decision-making for creative solutions. As part of this, business leaders must focus on social responsibility, in the modern marketplace, through inclusive approaches, resonates with customers and fosters ethical awareness.

The following video will provide some additional information about the key points you will be learning in this section of the course

Learning Outcomes

When you have completed this unit, you should be able to:

  • Analyze importance of reputation capital in innovation and learn strategies to build a reputation for innovation
  • Outline how communication tactics can be used to effectively communicate skills, accomplishments, and ideas to a broader audience, enhancing credibility and visibility
  • Examine idea impression amplifiers such as materializing, comparing, committing, and creating a sense of urgency (FOMO)
  • Investigate the development of social responsibility awareness and how to create social impact through inclusive approaches in innovation and entrepreneurship
  • Assess approaches for identifying the readiness level of solution concepts in inventive design
  • Recognize the nuances of building and using innovation capital

Activity Checklist

Here is a checklist of learning activities you will benefit from in completing this unit. You may find it useful for planning your work.

Learning Activities
  • Read Chapters 4, 5, and 6 of “Innovation Capital: How to Compete and Win Like the World’s Most Innovative Organizations
  • Read the article “Development of Social Responsibility Awareness: Developing Social Impact with an Inclusive Approach in Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  • Review the case study “An Approach to Identify the Readiness Level of a Solution Concept in the Inventive Design Method
  • Watch the video titled “Jeff Dyer: Innovation Capital”


Here are the resources you will need to complete this unit.

  • Chinkatham, T., Souili, A., Taheri, A., & Cavallucci, D. (2016). An Approach to Identify the Readiness Level of a Solution Concept in the Inventive Design Method. Procedia CIRP, 39, 179–184. Access the text online here.
  • Naik, H. S., Fritzsche, A., & Moeslein, K. M. (2021). Modularity in making: simplifying solution space for user innovation. R&D Management, 51(1), 57–72.
  • Dyer, J., Furr, N., & Lefrandt, C. (2019). Innovation Capital: How to Compete and Win Like the World’s Most Innovative Organizations. Harvard Business Review Press. Chapters 4, 5, and 6.
  • Edita, D. (2022). Development of Social Responsibility Awareness: Developing Social Impact with an Inclusive Approach in Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Journal of Accounting & Management, 12(2), 101–102. Sharp, T. (2017). From the EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR. Choral Journal, 57(8), 2–3.
  • Jeff Dyer: Innovation Capital. Access the video here.

5.1 Building and Leveraging Reputation Capital

Recognizing the role of reputation capital in the realm of innovation is crucial for aspiring entrepreneurs and leaders. To cultivate a reputation for innovation, individuals must embrace strategic approaches that underscore their commitment to groundbreaking ideas. Founding or spearheading impactful initiatives serves as a cornerstone as it serves as a proactive stance in pushing the boundaries of conventional thinking. Engaging in visible and challenging projects not only showcases one’s capabilities but also positions their business as a dynamic force within their field. Equally important is the ability to showcase strategic judgment in navigating complexities with a forward-thinking mindset. By conscientiously adopting these strategies, leaders can amass reputation capital, establishing themselves as catalysts for innovation in their respective pursuits.

5.1.1 Activity: Read and Reflect

Read Chapter 4 from Innovation Capital: How to Compete and Win Like the World’s Most Innovative Organizations. After reading this chapter, consider the following question:

  • How can innovators strategically build and leverage their reputation capital to enhance their innovation capital? What are the risks and rewards associated with methods like being a founder of impactful initiatives, taking on visible projects, and associating with organizations known for innovation?

Note: These questions are also used for your Forum Discussion entries that will be submitted at the end of Unit 6.

5.2 Utilizing Personal Impression Amplifiers

Leveraging the power of personal impression amplifiers such as broadcasting, signaling, and storytelling is essential for effective communication. Broadcasting involves strategically showcasing one’s skills, accomplishments, and ideas to a wider audience, creating a ripple effect that enhances visibility. Signaling allows individuals to convey their expertise through subtle cues and deliberate actions, establishing credibility in a nuanced manner. Additionally, storytelling weaves a compelling narrative around experiences, creating a memorable and relatable connection with the customer. Mastering these tactics not only elevates personal communication but also plays critical role in shaping a lasting and positive impression on a broader scale, fostering increased recognition and influence that positions a business venture for success.

5.2.1 Activity: Read and Reflect

Read Chapter 5 from Innovation Capital: How to Compete and Win Like the World’s Most Innovative Organizations. After reading this chapter, consider the following question:

  • Discuss the effectiveness of personal impression amplifiers such as broadcasting, signaling, and storytelling in gaining support for innovative ideas. How can these tactics be balanced to avoid the perception of self-promotion while still effectively marketing one’s ideas and personal brand?

Note: These questions are also used for your Forum Discussion entries that will be submitted at the end of Unit 6.

5.3 Amplifying Ideas To Gain Support and Resources

Impression amplifiers are powerful strategies that enhance the impact of concepts – especially when communicating innovation ideas. Materializing, a key amplifier, turns abstract notions into tangible entities, making it easier for stakeholders to understand ideas clearly. The act of comparing contextualizes concepts, drawing parallels that make ideas relatable and familiar. Committing to an idea portrays dedication and conviction, laying a foundation for long-term engagement. Additionally, injecting a sense of urgency - fueled by the fear of missing out (FOMO) - adds a dynamic dimension that propels stakeholders into swift action. By understanding these amplification techniques, leaders can gain profound insights into how ideas can go beyond abstraction, becoming vivid, relatable, and compelling narratives that captivate and mobilize stakeholders, and customers, towards a shared vision.

5.3.1 Activity: Read and Reflect

Read Chapter 6 from Innovation Capital: How to Compete and Win Like the World’s Most Innovative Organizations. After reading this chapter, consider the following question:

  • How can the idea impression amplifiers, such as materializing, comparing, and creating a sense of urgency (FOMO), be applied in real-world scenarios to enhance the appeal and credibility of innovative ideas? What challenges might innovators face in employing these strategies, and how can they overcome skepticism and resistance?

Note: These questions are also used for your Forum Discussion entries that will be submitted at the end of Unit 6.

5.4 Exploring Open Innovation Strategies for Business Model Innovation

In the modern marketplace, it is critical to develop an awareness that focuses on social responsibility. Understanding how to make a positive social impact through inclusive approaches is key to creating meaningful and sustainable change. Entrepreneurs and innovators wield significant influence in shaping the future, and incorporating social responsibility into their endeavors ensures a positive contribution to society. By adopting inclusive practices like diversity and accessibility, leaders and businesses can address societal challenges more effectively. This comprehensive approach not only improves the quality of solutions but also fosters a sense of responsibility and ethical awareness in the marketplace. This, in turn, creates value as a commitment to social responsibility and inclusive progress will resonate with customers in modern society.

5.4.1 Activity: Read and Reflect

Read the article titled “Development of Social Responsibility Awareness: Developing Social Impact with an Inclusive Approach in Innovation and Entrepreneurship.” Consider how some of these themes apply to what you have learned.

5.5 Assessing the Readiness Level of Solution Concepts

In the world of inventive design, it is crucial to become adept at gauging the readiness level of solution concepts. This involves mastering various approaches that not only assess the viability of innovative ideas, but also enhance the ability to evaluate and refine them. By focusing on these methodologies, designers, innovators, and leaders can sharpen their skills in evaluating the practicality and potential of their concepts. Understanding readiness levels becomes central for navigating the complex landscape of inventive design, empowering individuals to make informed decisions about the development and implementation of their creative solutions. This strategic approach requires an iterative design process, where constant evaluation and refinement lead to the evolution of ideas into robust and impactful solutions.

5.5.1 Activity: Read and Reflect

Read the case study titled “An Approach to Identify the Readiness Level of a Solution Concept in the Inventive Design Method.” Consider how these ideas connect to what you have learned.

5.6 Understanding Innovation Capital From an Expert’s Perspective

Innovation capital requires an understanding the dynamic relationship between creativity, resources, and strategic vision. It goes beyond financial investments, demanding a culture of continuous ideation, risk-taking, and adaptability. This process involves awareness of industry trends, technological advancements, and consumer behaviors. Effectively using innovation capital means deploying resources with intention and purpose to turn ideas into tangible solutions. This nuanced approach ensures organizations stay ahead in a rapidly evolving economy to maintain a position of success in the marketplace.

5.6.1 Activity: Watch and Reflect

Take a moment to watch the following video – consider how some of the ideas being presented apply to what you have learned:

Watch: Jeff Dyer: Innovation Capital


Recognizing the critical role of reputation capital in innovation, aspiring entrepreneurs and leaders need strategic approaches that highlight their commitment to groundbreaking ideas. Founding impactful initiatives, engaging in visible projects, and showcasing strategic judgment in navigating complexities are essential steps. These actions not only display capabilities but also position businesses as dynamic forces in their fields, allowing leaders to amass reputation capital and establish themselves as innovation catalysts.

Essential to all of this, is effective communication. Here, leveraging personal impression amplifiers such as broadcasting, signaling, and storytelling is key. Broadcasting showcases skills and ideas, signaling conveys expertise subtly, and storytelling creates a compelling narrative for a memorable customer connection. Mastering these tactics elevates personal communication and shapes a lasting positive impression, enhancing recognition and influence on a broader scale for business success.

In this unit, you also learned about inventive design which involves gauging the readiness level of solution concepts. Mastering approaches to assess the viability of ideas, and refining them, empowers designers, innovators, and leaders. Understanding readiness levels is central for navigating the complex landscape of inventive design, enabling informed decisions about the development and implementation of creative solutions. Additionally, you saw how a focus on social responsibility is critical for creating meaningful change. Entrepreneurs can positively impact society by incorporating inclusive approaches and addressing challenges. This, in turn, resonates with customers and fosters ethical awareness in the marketplace. In the broader context, innovation capital requires a holistic understanding of the dynamic relationship between creativity, resources, and strategic vision. It involves continuous ideation, risk-taking, and adaptability, going beyond financial investments. Effectively using innovation capital requires deploying resources with intention and purpose, ensuring organizations stay ahead in a rapidly evolving economy for long-term success.

Checking Your Learning

Use the learning outcomes for this unit as a checklist of understanding before you move to the next unit. Can you:

  • Analyze importance of reputation capital in innovation and learn strategies to build a reputation for innovation
  • Outline how communication tactics can be used to effectively communicate skills, accomplishments, and ideas to a broader audience, enhancing credibility and visibility
  • Examine idea impression amplifiers such as materializing, comparing, committing, and creating a sense of urgency (FOMO)
  • Investigate the development of social responsibility awareness and how to create social impact through inclusive approaches in innovation and entrepreneurship
  • Assess approaches for identifying the readiness level of solution concepts in inventive design
  • Recognize the nuances of building and using innovation capital