9  Designing Culturally Inclusive Learning Activities


In this unit, we will further explore cultural inclusivity in the classroom. You will have the opportunity to design a lesson that integrates culturally-inclusive methods and global Indigenous ways of knowing into a lesson.


In this unit, we will explore the following topics:

  1. Assessing Learning Activities
  2. Integration of Indigenous Ways of Knowing
  3. Designing Culturally Inclusive Learning Activities

Unit Learning Outcomes

When you have completed this unit you should be able to:

  • Assess the level of cultural inclusivity in a lesson.
  • Design a lesson that integrates culturally-inclusive facilitation/coaching methods.
  • Integrate global Indigenous ways of knowing into a lesson.

Activity Checklist

Here is a checklist of learning activities you will benefit from in completing this unit. You may find it useful for planning your work.

Learning Activity
  • Read: McTighe & Wiggins (2012). Understanding by design framework. Read: Penfold Navarro, C. (2019). Designing learning. View the following explainer video: Davis, A. (2017). Understanding by design.
  • Using the Lesson Plan Assessment Rubric, assess of of the Lesson Plan provided to determine the extent to which the plan demonstrates principles of cultural competency, and creates a culturally inclusive learning experience for students. OR Evaluate the explainer video on Understanding by design (Davis, 2017), using the rubric. Does the video serve to teach students the concepts desired? Is the video culturally inclusive?
  • Read through the Lumen/Boundless lesson on Culture and Biology. As you read through this lesson, consider the different cultures within your own ethnic group and how you will incorporate the values of Respect, Reciprocity, Relevance, and Responsibility into the Lesson Plan you will create.
  • Review the “Circle of Courage”. As you review this model, consider how you will incorporate the four traditional values into the Lesson Plan you will create.
  • Review your Reflective Journal.


Assignment 6: Design a Culturally Inclusive Lesson Plan (25%) Begin this assignment (due at the end of Unit 10).

9.1 Assessing Learning Activities

We begin this lesson by considering how to assess learning activities and lesson plans to determine how effectively they incorporate culturally inclusive learning experiences. Building on your learning in this course, you will consider the extent to which lesson plans reflect cultural competency.

In outcome-based learning design, lessons are developed with three key components:

  1. Student Learning Outcomes
  2. Learning Activities
  3. Learning Assessment

Understanding by Design is a curriculum planning method developed by McTighe and Wiggins (2012).

They incorporate the same elements of outcome-based learning design, but focus on a design model that begins first with desired results. In essence, this is the student learning outcome. Understanding by design then moves forward to assessment evidence, which focuses on determining what evidence will students produce/perform in order to demonstrate that they have achieved the learning goals. From there, the focus is on planning instruction.

Designing learning in this manner provides both students and instructors with a clear understanding of the purpose of the teaching. Instead of focusing on covering content, engaging in certain activities, or transferring knowledge, this type of learning design instead focuses on clear learning goals, clear assessment of those learning goals, and teaching/learning activities designed to ensure students learn what they are supposed to learn.

9.1.1 Activity: Designing Learning

Learning Activity

Read/ view the following resources:

  • McTighe & Wiggins (2012). Understanding by design framework.
  • Penfold Navarro, C. (2019). Designing learning. (Note that you will refer to this resource later in this unit when you design your own Lesson Plan.)
  • Davis, A. (2017). Understanding by design.

Want to learn more? View one or more of the following videos:

As you read and watch/listen, consider how you might design a lesson that has a clear Student Learning Outcome, an effective Learning Activity that teaches students what you want them to learn, and a Learning Assessment that effectively measures student achievement of the learning outcomes. In preparation for the Assignment in this unit in which you will design a lesson plan that incorporates culturally inclusive learning strategies, jot down some of your initial thoughts for each of the following:

  1. Student Learning Outcome
  2. Learning Activity
  3. Learning Assessment

9.1.2 Activity: Lesson Plan Assessment

Learning Activity

Select one of the Lesson Plans provided here. Using the Lesson Plan Assessment Rubric, assess the Lesson Plan to determine the extent to which the Lesson Plan demonstrates principles of cultural competency, and creates a culturally inclusive learning experience for students.


Watch the explainer video on Understanding by design (Davis, 2017) again. Consider this a “learning activity” that is designed to teach students the learning outcome of “Students will be able to describe Understanding by Design using an explainer video format.” Evaluate this video, using the rubric. Does the video serve to teach students the concepts desired? Is the video culturally inclusive?

9.2 Culture and Biology

Throughout this course, we have discussed the predominance of Western ways of knowing within Western education, including how these ways of knowing, while second nature to those who learn and live in Western cultures, are not the norm throughout the world.

In this Topic, we explore more deeply how to integrate Indigenous Ways of Knowing into learning design, including learning outcomes, learning activities, and learning assessment.

Both the “4Rs” (Cull, Hancock, McKeown, Pidgeon, & Vedan, n.d.) and the Circle of Courage philosophy (Reclaiming Youth International, 2019) are helpful models for considering how to incorporate Indigenous perspective and ways of knowing into the learning experiences you design.

The Circle of Courage philosophy incorporates four traditional values that incorporates indigenous perspectives: Belonging, Mastery, Independence, and Generosity. In this unit, you will explore the 4Rs (Respect, Reciprocity, Relevance, and Responsibility) and the Circle of Courage and incorporate these values into a Lesson Plan you design.

9.2.1 Activity: Culture and Biology

Learning Activity

Read through the Lumen/Boundless lesson on Culture and Biology.

As you read through this lesson, consider the different cultures within your own ethnic group and how you will incorporate the values of Respect, Reciprocity, Relevance, and Responsibility into the Lesson Plan you will create.

9.2.2 Activity: Circle of Courage

Learning Activity

As you review this model, consider how you will incorporate the four traditional values into the Lesson Plan you will create. For example, the Master value includes the concept that “Each person strives for mastery for personal growth, but not to be superior to someone else” (Reclaiming Youth Network, 2007). How would you incorporate this concept into a learning activity you design?

9.3 Designing Culturally Inclusive Learning Activities

Culturally inclusive learning activities will incorporate a wide range of strategies designed to ensure all students know they belong and that their culture is valued. For this topic, we will review several concepts central to creating culturally inclusive learning experiences for students.

  1. Cultural Competency
  2. Culturally Inclusive Learning Environments
  3. Cultural Identity
  4. Implicit Bias
  5. Inclusion
  6. Identity Safe Classrooms

9.3.1 Activity: Reflective Analysis

Learning Activity

Review your Reflective Journal and the Course Materials. In a new Reflective Journal entry, list each of the topics listed above.

  1. For each topic, write a definition (either using one from the literature or your own summary).
  2. Considering the cultural environment in which you anticipate teaching (diverse classroom, international setting, online, etc.), for each topic, write a short paragraph summarizing this topic.
  3. Then, for each topic, develop 1-2 strategies you could use to create a culturally inclusive learning experience. (i.e. for Identity Safe Classrooms you might use one of the strategies suggested by Steel, C. or Steel, D.)

These notes will serve as a foundation for the Lesson Plan you will develop in the Assignment for this Unit.

Unit Summary

In this unit, we have reviewed strategies for creating inclusive learning experiences, within the context of Understanding by Design. We have also explored how we can practically integrate Indigenous Ways of Knowing into the design of lesson plans.

Checking Your Learning

Before you move on to the next unit, you may want to check to make sure that you are able to:

  • Assess the level of cultural inclusivity in a lesson.
  • Design a lesson that integrates culturally-inclusive facilitation/coaching methods.
  • Integrate global Indigenous ways of knowing into a lesson.


Assignment 6: Design a Culturally Inclusive Lesson Plan (25%)

After completing this unit, including the learning activities, you are now ready to design a culturally inclusive Lesson Plan. Building on your learning related to Understanding by Design, your Lesson Plan will include three key elements:

  1. Student Learning Outcome,
  2. Learning Activity, and
  3. Learning Assessment.

Your Learning Plan will also incorporate principles related to cultural competency, cultural awareness, and culturally inclusive teaching strategies. You will also incorporate Indigenous ways of knowing.

Using the Lesson Plan Template, design a Lesson Plan for a course in which anticipate teaching. Begin by writing a Student Learning Outcome according to the criteria listed in the template. Then, consider how you will assess achievement of the Student Learning Outcome. Finally, create a learning activity or experience designed to ensure students achieve the Student Learning Outcome. This learning activity should include both culturally inclusive teaching strategies, as well as Indigenous Ways of Knowing. Your learning activity could include a lecture portion, an in-class active learning activity, and out of class learning experience, group work, experiential learning, etc.

Be sure to incorporate the scholarly readings throughout, including citations as appropriate. In the last two rows, provide an explanation of how you have incorporated culturally inclusive teaching strategies, cultural awareness, external sources, Indigenous Ways of Knowing, etc.

Lesson Plan Template

Lesson Topic Include a Lesson Topic here, as well as the course in which this Lesson will likely be taught.
Student Learning Outcome Include a Student Learning Outcome for this unit that aligns with the overall course/program you are teaching. Begin with: “Students will be able to…”. Include one learning verb (apply, analyze, etc.) and one noun (what students will learn).
Learning Activity Building on your prior learning and scholarly readings, design a learning activity that will ensure students meet the Student Learning Outcome for this lesson.
Learning Assessment Design a Learning Assessment that effectively measures student achievement of the Student Learning Outcome(s) for this Unit.
Culturally Inclusive Learning Design Your lesson plan should demonstrate your learning in this course, incorporate culturally competent teaching strategies, and demonstrate your awareness of the culture in which you anticipate teaching. The lesson plan should also demonstrate your learning related to creating inclusive learning environments. Be sure it is clear to the reader what elements of the lesson plan relate to Culturally Inclusive Learning Strategies.
Indigenous Ways of Knowing The lesson plan should integrate Indigenous Ways of Knowing, including the four traditional values in the “Circle of Courage.” Be sure it is clear to the reader what elements of the lesson plan incorporate Indigenous Ways of Knowing.

Grading Criteria

Before submitting your Culturally Inclusive Lesson Plan, review the Lesson Plan Rubric. Your instructor will use this rubric to assess your learning. (Note: A similar rubric will be used to assess the Lessons you design in your Practicum).

Lesson Plan Rubric