2  Negotiation Strategies in Diplomacy


In unit 2, we will explore Negotiation Strategies in Diplomacy comprehensively. As a follow-up to the first unit, this unit examines how relationship dynamics can enhance negotiation outcomes. In “Diplomacy: Theory and Practice”, particularly Chapters 2, 3, and 4, Berridge provides valuable insights into key aspects of the diplomatic process, such as renegotiations, round-table negotiations, and diplomatic momentum. By mastering these strategies and skills, diplomats can establish clear communication channels, foster meaningful relationships, and maintain momentum during negotiations. As a result, it is more likely that mutually acceptable outcomes will be reached that satisfy the interests and needs of all parties. This unit will help you gain a deeper understanding of negotiation dynamics, as well as develop an understanding of complex diplomatic situations and devise strategies to overcome them.


This unit is divided into the following topics:

  1. Diplomacy’s Role in International Negotiations
  2. Enhancing Negotiation through Relational Dynamics

Learning Outcomes

When you have completed this unit, you should be able to:

  • Explain the purpose, goals, and definition of negotiation.
  • Recognize the significance of identifying interests in negotiations to attain successful outcomes.
  • Assess the role of communication in negotiations and its ability to create value and accomplish successful outcomes.

Activity Checklist

Here is a checklist of learning activities you will benefit from in completing this unit. You may find it helpful in planning your work.

Learning Activities

  • Watch: Getting to “yes” (Ungraded)


  • Discussion Questions (Graded) - 45 mins approx.


Here are the resources you will need to complete this unit.

  • Berridge, G. R. (2022). Diplomacy: Theory and Practice (6th Ed.). Palgrave MacMillan: New York. (Berridge, 2022)
  • Karami, A., & Baban, S. M. J. (2018). The role of diplomacy in the success of international negotiations. International Journal of Diplomacy and Economy, 4(1), 1-18.
  • Zeng, J., & Lu, L. (2017). Enhancing negotiation effectiveness through relational dynamics: An analysis of US-China climate negotiations. International Negotiation, 22(3), 411-440.

2.0.1 Reading Highlights

Reading is an integral part of every unit of this course, along with the additional resources that are provided. As part of this unit, you will read chapter 2, 3 and 4 of Berridge, G. R. (2022).

Chapter 2: Renegotiations In chapter 2 of “Diplomacy: Theory and Practice,(Berridge, 2022) Berridge discusses the topic of renegotiations in diplomacy. The key takeaways from this chapter are as follows:

  • Renegotiations are a natural part of the diplomatic process, as agreements made between parties are often subject to change or modification over time.
  • Renegotiations can occur for a variety of reasons, including changes in circumstances, new information, or shifting priorities.
  • Renegotiations can be challenging to manage, as they can create uncertainty and mistrust between parties.
  • Successful renegotiations require careful planning and communication between parties, as well as a willingness to compromise and find common ground.
  • Diplomats can use a variety of strategies to facilitate successful renegotiations, including the use of intermediaries, the creation of win-win solutions, and the establishment of clear communication channels.

Overall, the key takeaway from this chapter is that renegotiations are an important and often challenging aspect of the diplomatic process. Diplomats must be prepared to navigate the complexities of renegotiations and find ways to reach mutually acceptable outcomes that meet the evolving needs and interests of all parties involved.

Chapter 3: Around-The-Table Negotiations In chapter 3 of “Diplomacy: Theory and Practice,(Berridge, 2022)Berridge explores the concept of around-the-table negotiations. The key takeaways from this chapter are as follows:

  • Around-the-table negotiations are formal negotiations that take place between parties in a formal setting, such as a conference room or negotiating table.
  • Around-the-table negotiations typically involve multiple rounds of negotiation, during which parties exchange proposals, counter proposals, and concessions.
  • The negotiation process can be influenced by a variety of factors, including the bargaining power of each party, the nature of the issues being negotiated, and the personalities and negotiating styles of the parties involved.
  • Diplomats can use a variety of strategies to facilitate successful around-the-table negotiations, including the establishment of clear communication channels, the use of intermediaries, and the creation of a positive negotiating environment.

Overall, the key takeaway from this chapter is that around-the-table negotiations are a critical component of the diplomatic process. Diplomats must be skilled in managing around-the-table negotiations, as they can be complex and challenging, requiring careful communication and sensitivity to the concerns of all parties involved.

Chapter 4: Diplomatic Momentum In chapter 4 of “Diplomacy: Theory and Practice,” Berridge explores the concept of diplomatic momentum. The key takeaways from this chapter are as follows:

  • Diplomatic momentum refers to the sense of progress and momentum that can be generated during the diplomatic process, as parties work towards a mutually acceptable outcome.
  • Diplomatic momentum can be influenced by a variety of factors, including the timing of negotiations, the personalities of the negotiators, and the nature of the issues being negotiated.
  • Diplomatic momentum can be positive or negative, depending on the direction and speed of the negotiation process.
  • Diplomatic momentum can be difficult to maintain, as it can be disrupted by changes in circumstances or shifts in the priorities of the parties involved.
  • Diplomats can use a variety of strategies to maintain diplomatic momentum, including the use of intermediaries, the establishment of clear communication channels, and the creation of a positive negotiating environment.

Overall, the key takeaway from this chapter is that diplomatic momentum is a critical component of the negotiation process. Diplomats must be skilled in managing diplomatic momentum, as it can be complex and challenging, requiring careful communication and sensitivity to the concerns of all parties involved. By understanding the factors that influence diplomatic momentum and using effective strategies to maintain it, diplomats can increase the chances of reaching success.

2.1 Diplomacy’s Role in International Negotiations

Reading: Karami, A., & Baban, S. M. J. (2018). The role of diplomacy in the success of international negotiations. International Journal of Diplomacy and Economy, 4(1), 1-18.

The article by Karami, A., & Baban, S. M. J. (2018) on the role of diplomacy in the success of international negotiations provides valuable insights into the critical importance of diplomacy in international relations. In managing complex negotiations between different actors, diplomacy plays a crucial role as a multifaceted process.

To begin, the authors define diplomacy as the art of negotiation, mediation, and communication. As they note, diplomacy requires a range of skills, including effective communication, trust-building, and cultural awareness. It is essential for diplomats to be able to establish rapport with their counterparts and build relationships based on mutual respect and understanding.

The article also explores the various roles played by diplomats in the negotiation process. Diplomats are responsible for gathering information, identifying key stakeholders, and developing negotiation strategies. They also play a critical role in facilitating communication between different actors and managing the negotiation process. The authors note that diplomats are involved in every stage of the negotiation process, from the initial planning stages to the final agreement.

Trust-building is another critical factor in the success of international negotiations. The authors note that trust is a critical factor in building successful negotiations and that diplomats play a key role in building and maintaining trust between different actors. Diplomats must be able to establish a rapport with their counterparts and build relationships based on mutual respect and understanding.

The article also examines the challenges associated with international negotiations. Diplomats must be able to navigate these challenges and find creative solutions that meet the needs of all parties involved. Negotiations can be complex and difficult, particularly when there are conflicting interests or divergent goals. Diplomats must be able to adapt their approach and find creative solutions to overcome these challenges.

Cultural awareness is another critical factor in the negotiation process. Diplomats must be able to understand and respect cultural differences and norms. This includes understanding the ways in which different cultures approach negotiation and conflict resolution and adapting their approach accordingly. The authors note that cultural awareness is a key skill for diplomats and that it is essential for successful negotiations.

Finally, the article explores the importance of diplomacy in promoting long-term cooperation and stability in the international system. Successful negotiations can help to build trust and promote cooperation between different actors, leading to greater stability and security in the international system. The authors note that diplomacy plays a crucial role in promoting long-term cooperation and stability in the international system.

Overall, the article provides a comprehensive analysis of the critical role of diplomacy in international relations. The authors highlight the complexity of diplomacy and the range of skills required to be an effective diplomat. Diplomats play a critical role in managing complex negotiations, building trust, and promoting long-term cooperation and stability in the international system. The article underscores the importance of communication, trust-building, cultural awareness, and creative problem-solving skills in the negotiation process. It provides valuable insights into the art of diplomacy and the role it plays in promoting peace and stability in the international system.

2.1.1 Activity: Watch

This video provides an overview of the “Getting to Yes” approach to negotiation, which is a framework for principled negotiation developed by Harvard Negotiation Project. The video features an interview with William Ury, one of the co-authors of the “Getting to Yes” book, who explains the key concepts of the approach and provides practical examples of how to apply them in different negotiation situations. The video also covers common negotiation pitfalls and offers strategies for overcoming them. Link:

Watch: The Harvard Principles of Negotiation (The Harvard Principles of Negotiation - YouTube, n.d.)

Note that the learning activities in this course are ungraded, unless specified. They are designed to help you succeed in your assessments in this course, so you are strongly encouraged to complete them.

2.2 Enhancing Negotiation Through Relational Dynamics

Reading: Zeng, J., & Lu, L. (2017). Enhancing negotiation effectiveness through relational dynamics: An analysis of US-China climate negotiations. International Negotiation, 22(3), 411-440.

The article by Zeng and Lu analyzes the importance of relational dynamics in enhancing negotiation effectiveness, focusing on the case study of US-China climate negotiations. The authors argue that positive relational dynamics between negotiators are essential in achieving successful outcomes in international negotiations.

The article begins with an overview of the US-China climate negotiations, highlighting the challenges and opportunities involved in negotiating a climate agreement between two of the world’s largest greenhouse gas emitters. The authors note that the negotiations were complex and challenging, requiring a high degree of cooperation and trust between negotiators.

The authors then explore the role of relational dynamics in negotiation effectiveness. They argue that the quality of the relationship between negotiators can have a significant impact on the negotiation process and outcomes. Positive relational dynamics can help to build trust, facilitate communication, and create a sense of shared responsibility for achieving a successful outcome. Additionally, the authors identify several factors that contribute to positive relational dynamics in negotiations, including a willingness to listen and understand the other side’s perspective, a willingness to compromise, and a commitment to finding mutually beneficial solutions. You should consider that negotiators who prioritize these factors are more likely to build positive relational dynamics and achieve successful outcomes in negotiations.

The article then applies these insights to the US-China climate negotiations. The authors note that the negotiations were characterized by positive relational dynamics, which helped to build trust and facilitate cooperation between negotiators. Both sides were committed to finding mutually beneficial solutions, and negotiators on both sides were willing to listen and understand the other side’s perspective.

The authors also highlight the importance of leadership in building positive relational dynamics in negotiations. They note that the positive relationship between President Obama and President Xi Jinping helped to set the tone for the negotiations and create a sense of shared responsibility for achieving a successful outcome. The authors argue that leadership is critical in building positive relational dynamics in negotiations and creating a conducive environment for successful outcomes.

Finally, the article concludes by emphasizing the importance of relational dynamics in enhancing negotiation effectiveness. The authors argue that building positive relational dynamics requires a willingness to listen and understand the other side’s perspective, a willingness to compromise, and a commitment to finding mutually beneficial solutions. By prioritizing these factors, negotiators can build trust, facilitate communication, and create a sense of shared responsibility for achieving a successful outcome.

Overall, the article provides valuable insights into the importance of relational dynamics in enhancing negotiation effectiveness. The authors use the case study of US-China climate negotiations to highlight the critical role that positive relationships between negotiators can play in achieving successful outcomes in complex and challenging negotiations. In international negotiations, listening, understanding, and compromise play a crucial role in building positive relational dynamics and achieving mutually beneficial outcomes. Moreover, leadership plays a key role in setting the tone for negotiations and creating an environment conducive to success.

Further Readings

Kumar, R. & Worm, V. (2011). International Negotiation in China and India: A Comparison of the Emerging Business Giants. Palgrave MacMillan: New York.

Businesses face unique challenges and opportunities when negotiating with Chinese and Indian counterparts. This book compares China and India, two of the world’s fastest-growing economies, based on their negotiating styles, cultural differences, and business practices.

2.2.1 Chapter Summaries

Chapter 2: Negotiation Theory

  • The chapter defines negotiation as a process of communication between two or more parties seeking to reach a mutually acceptable agreement.
  • Two main types of negotiation strategies are introduced: distributive and integrative negotiation.
  • The authors highlight that understanding power dynamics is crucial for successful negotiation.
  • Negotiation strategies should be chosen based on the situation and the goals of the parties involved.

Chapter 4: Negotiation Process

  • The negotiation process in China and India is heavily influenced by cultural factors.
  • The concept of “face” plays a significant role in negotiations in China, while building and maintaining relationships is crucial in negotiations in India.
  • The chapter explores the different stages of the negotiation process, including preparation, discussion, and agreement.
  • The role of intermediaries in the negotiation process is also examined.

Chapter 5: Negotiation Outcomes

  • Negotiations in China and India are often influenced by factors beyond the immediate negotiation itself.
  • Cultural factors, such as the importance of “face” in China and the emphasis on relationships in India, can significantly influence negotiation outcomes.
  • The role of trust in negotiation outcomes is also examined.

Overall, these chapters provide a detailed analysis of the negotiation process in China and India, including the cultural factors that influence negotiation styles and practices, the role of intermediaries, and the importance of trust in negotiation outcomes. The chapters also provide a theoretical framework for understanding negotiation, including different negotiation strategies and power dynamics. The authors emphasize the importance of understanding cultural factors and power dynamics in successful negotiations and highlight the role of intermediaries in bridging cultural differences.


Our focus in Unit 2 was on two crucial topics. The first topic, “Diplomacy in International Negotiations,” examined the role of diplomacy in managing complex negotiations among various actors. During this course, you learned that diplomats are responsible for gathering information, identifying key stakeholders, and devising negotiation strategies. Additionally, they facilitate communication and oversee the negotiation process among diverse actors. Diplomacy entails a multifaceted process that requires several skills, including effective communication, trust-building, and cultural awareness. Communication, trust-building, cultural awareness, and creative problem-solving skills were stressed in your readings.

In the second topic, “Relational Dynamics in Enhancing Negotiation,” we explored the importance of positive relational dynamics between negotiators in achieving successful results. You learned that positive relational dynamics can promote trust, facilitate communication, and foster a sense of shared responsibility for achieving success. Throughout your reading, you have learned that the US-China climate negotiation case study emphasizes the importance of listening to and understanding the other side’s perspective, being willing to compromise, and finding mutually beneficial solutions in order to develop positive relational dynamics.

Checking Your Learning

Before you move on to the next unit, you may want to check to make sure that you are able to:

  • Explain the purpose, goals, and definition of negotiation.
  • Recognize the significance of identifying interests in negotiations to attain successful outcomes.
  • Assess the role of communication in negotiations and its ability to create value and accomplish successful outcomes.
  • Understand the challenges associated with renegotiations in diplomacy and how to manage them effectively.
  • Grasp the key aspects of around-the-table negotiations and how to navigate their complexities.
  • Comprehend the concept of diplomatic momentum and its influence on negotiation success.
  • Recognize the importance of positive relational dynamics in negotiation effectiveness.
  • Understand the role of leadership in building positive relational dynamics in negotiations.
Berridge, G. (2022). Diplomacy: Theory and practice (6th updated edition). Palgrave Macmillan.
The Harvard Principles of Negotiation - YouTube. (n.d.). Retrieved July 8, 2024, from https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/9UpkaF8PINI