Unit 11 Learning Journals
Before beginning the course, it is important for student’s to note how complex and expansive the topic of Results-Based Leadership is. As you start your study and explore the content pages that follow, you will notice that the instructor has provided a rich collection of resources for your reference - this may seem overwhelming.
While student’s are not responsible for utilizing ALL of these resources, they have been provided to support your learning. It is important to remember that this is a graduate level course and the diversity of these resources provide you with an opportunity to expand your own understanding of Results-Based Leadership and to learn more about your own specific interests that will bring meaning to your own personal/professional pursuits.
Each unit will have a Learning Lab where you will meet with other student’s and a Facilitator. Most of these sessions will involve group discussions that focus on the content that was studied. As student’s enrolled in a graduate level course you are fortunate to share your learning with accomplished professionals with their own experiences and insights - the focus of Learning Labs will be engaging with one another to share these experiences and bring practical meaning to the content. To achieve this, however, it is expected that everyone come to the Learning Lab prepared to share and ask questions.
To ensure these discussions are meaningful, each student is expected to maintain a Learning Journal - you will also be expected to submit a Reflective Journal following Learning Lab discussions.
Learning Journals
Throughout the course you are expected to maintain a Learning Journal. The purpose of this Learning Journal is to take notes, each unit, about your own learning. While guiding questions will sometimes be provided, for the most part, this component of the course will be self-guided. Some criteria for including in your Learning Journal are:
As you read and watch the resources in this unit, write a summary
sentence for each major idea/concept relating to your understanding of
what it means to be a Results Based Leader.
Choose the concept that most resonates with you and write a short
paragraph summary of this concept, applied to your professional/personal
experiential context.
Formulate one question from this reading that you will explore and
consider in future course readings and assignments.
- As you prepare graded activities and assignments, refer to these notes.
While no mark is attached to the Learning Journal, your ideas and thoughts will form the basis for discussions during the Learning Lab - this is will you share your questions or respond to the thoughts and questions of other student’s. This exchange of dialogue will, however, be graded.
The intention of this endeavour is to empower students to learn from one another’s experiences with the hope that this adds meaning, value, and relevancy to our learning.
As such, it is important that each student take the time to note their thoughts as they explore the content of this course - this will lead to a much more fulfilling experience.